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October 30, 2015

My Arai

My Arai is the hub from which you can create and manage your profile and settings, register Arai helmets for warranty coverage, open support tickets and track any orders you place via our online Parts & Accessory store.


If you created My Arai and/or Arai Parts & Accessory store accounts prior to October 14, 2015, please CLICK HERE to reset your password so you can access that account via our new web site. Then, once you use your new password to log into My Arai, please take a few moments to review your profile and settings to make sure all your personal contact information is up to date. Please fill out all required fields.

To create your own personal My Arai account, please CLICK HERE, choose Consumer Account from the Account Type box, click on the CONTINUE button, then fill in the blanks on the form that follows. Please fill out all required fields.


If you created a Dealer Account via the Dealer Portal on our old web site, which we retired on October 14, 2015, please CLICK HERE to reset your password so you can access that account via this new web site. Once you use your new password to log in to My Arai, please read any/all notices that appear at the top of your profile, as they will contain important information regarding your status as an official Arai Helmet dealer. Also, please take a few moments to review your profile and settings to make sure all your contact and billing information is up to date. Please fill out all required fields.

To create a new My Arai Dealer account, please CLICK HERE, choose Dealer Account from the Account Type box, click on the CONTINUE button, then fill in the blanks on the form that follows. Please fill out all required fields.

October 30, 2015

Dealer Accounts

Please read this note very carefully!

As an official Arai Helmet dealer, you may purchase official Arai parts and accessories for resale to consumers, directly from Arai Helmet, Inc., via our web site's Parts & Accessories store.

To maintain your status as an official Arai Helmet Dealer, you must have a current, fully executed and approved 2015 Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement contract on file.

You may download, sign and submit your 2015 Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement for review and approval at any time by creating and/or signing in to your My Arai account on our web site.

Additionally, if you wish to appear in our web site's official Arai Helmet Dealer Directory, you must sign into your My Arai account and upload three current photos of your store once each fiscal quarter.

My Arai = The New Dealer Portal

My Arai is the portal within this web site from which official Arai Helmet dealers can manage their official Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement contract, submit store photos that appear within our web site's Arai Helmet Dealer Directory, open support tickets and track any orders you place via our web site's Parts & Accessory store.


If you created a Dealer Account via the Dealer Portal on our old web site, which we retired on October 14, 2015, please CLICK HERE now to reset your password so you can access that account via My Arai on our new web site. Please fill out all required fields.


To create your My Arai account, please CLICK HERE, choose Dealer Account from the Account Type box, click on CONTINUE, then fill in the blanks on the form that follows. Please fill out all required fields.

What's next?

Once you create and/or sign in to your My Arai account, you will see an alert message whenever it's time to download and submit a new Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement and/or upload new store photos.

Downloading your official Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement

To download and submit the Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement, please click on the AGREEMENT tab that appears on screen after you sign into your My Arai account. On desktop computers and tablets, you'll usually see the AGREEMENT tab on the left. On mobile phones, the AGREEMENT tab will appear near the top of the screen.

Once you click on the AGREEMENT tab, you'll see the following information:

STATUS: Message

Rating: 1-7
Can Order: Yes/No
Dealer Directory: Yes/No
Credit Limit Per Order: $
Payment Terms: N/A, etc.


Your STATUS Message lets you know the status of your relationship with Arai Helmet, Inc.

Active = All is well. Your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement is fully executed and current, and you may purchase official Arai parts and accessories for resale to consumers, directly from Arai Helmet, Inc. via our web site's Parts & Accessories store.

Review = Your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement requires review and approval.

Renewal = Each January, we require all Arai dealers to download and submit a new Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement for the new year.

Inactive = Your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement is not current, and you may NOT purchase official Arai parts and accessories for resale to consumers, directly from Arai Helmet, Inc. via our web site's Parts & Accessories store.


Download Agreement is where you will find the "blank contract". We keep the agreement for each year's Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement stored on our server as an Adobe PDF file so you can download and sign it. To download the "Blank Agreement" for the current year's, please click on the filename to the right of the word DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT.


A link to the current copy of the Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement that you've submitted for review and approval. Whether you upload your agreement via our web site, email it to us, FAX it to us or send it via standard mail, eventually it will appear here for the sake of reference.


The Rating # is a "Star" rating assigned to your dealership by Arai Helmet, Inc. for display within the official Arai Dealer Directory.


“Yes” means you may purchase official Arai parts and accessories for resale to consumers, directly from Arai Helmet, Inc. via our web site's Parts & Accessories store. “No” means you cannot currently purchase official Arai parts and accessories for resale to consumers directly from Arai Helmet, Inc. via our web site's Parts & Accessories store.


“Yes” means your store photos are current and you currently appear within the official Arai Dealer Directory. “No” means your store photos are not current and you do not currently appear within the official Arai Dealer Directory.


The $ amount represents the funds you can spend per order against a credit line you've established with Arai Helmet, Inc.


“N/A” means not available. Other terms like “NET-30” represent the terms by which you agreed to pay for any orders you place against a credit line you've established with Arai Helmet, Inc.

Submitting Your Agreement

Once you download the current year's boilerplate Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement, please print and read it carefully. Then, fill in all the blanks and sign it.

Next, if you have a scanner and would like to submit your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement for review via the web site, you may do so. Just click on the CHOOSE FILE button to choose the file from your computer or mobile device, then click UPLOAD AGREEMENT.

Or, if you prefer, you may submit your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement via email, FAX or post.

Via email



Via Post

Arai Helmet, Inc.
P.O. Box 787
Fogelsville, PA 18051-0787

Once you submit your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement, we will attempt to review and approve it as quickly as possible. Typically, we are able to review agreements on the day we receive them. If there's a problem with your agreement, we will contact you directly.

Hint: If you don't have a scanner, there are several mobile apps that will allow you to take a picture of your Arai Helmet Dealer Agreement with your smartphone and save it as a PDF that you can upload to our web site. To learn about these apps, please CLICK HERE.

Uploading Photos

If you want to appear in our web site's official Arai Dealer Directory, you must upload three photos of your store each fiscal quarter.

A view of your store from the street.

A customer's view of your store once they step inside your front door.

A customer's view of your store's Arai Helmet display.

To upload photos, please click on the PHOTOS tab that appears on screen after you sign in to your My Arai account. On desktop computers and tablets, you'll usually see the PHOTOS tab on the left. On mobile phones, the PHOTOS tab will appear near the top.

You may upload store photos in either JPEG, GIF, or PNG format.

To upload each of these three photos, just click on the Chose File Button for each photo, choose that photo from your computer or mobile device, then click UPLOAD PHOTO.

Note: Within the PHOTOS section of My Arai, our web site will display each photo you upload exactly as you upload it. This means that in the dealer PHOTOS section, if you upload photos of different sizes, you'll see different sizes. However, when our consumer-facing web site displays your photos within the official Arai Dealer Directory, it will automatically resize all the photos for consumer view.